Last weekend we visited the MTB mini downhill cup in Wijchen (NL). This race is held on an artificial ski slope and is the second race in a series of 5 races in The Netherlands. The best way to get to know the MTB Downhill sport is to do a real time test along with […]
Holland Cup 3: Alge Timy vs CloudTimer
Last weekend, during Holland Cup 3 in the Netherlands, we did an important parallel test between the Alge Timy with start/finish beams and CloudTimer in manual timing mode. After a lot of lab & field testing, and development iterations we achieved great results in this competition. The competition setup The Holland Cup is a Dutch national race […]
Timing accuracy vs system accuracy
At CloudTimer we are doing a lot of lab and field tests to test & prove the accuracy of our sports timing app. While doing so we felt the need to clarify what this means: accuracy. Because a system can be extremely accurate, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the timing of an athlete will […]
Holland Cup 2: Step by step
Our ambition with CloudTimer is to make race organisation/timing easy, but man, that’s hard! Last weekend we did the Holland Cup 2 at the Volmolence Kano Club in Waalre (Netherlands). With about 100 participants divided over the sprint, slalom and downriver it was again a nice step up from the last race. The Holland Cup […]
CloudTimer goes official at Holland Cup
CloudTimer isn’t yet officially available in the app stores, but we timed our first official race! Canoe slalom Holland Cup 1 near Utrecht, the Netherlands was the decor for this milestone event. The Holland Cup is a Dutch race series governed by the national canoe federation. Holland Cup Canoe Slalom Utrecht With almost 40 participants and two runs during […]
Timing accuracy of RaceGorilla
RaceGorilla is developed to make sports timing as easy as possible without the need to invest in expensive hardware. To do so, we chose an everyday device aka smartphones to fulfil the timing and scoring need. But since a smartphone is not a professional real time timing device the question was raised if the timing […]