In 2022, we aim to get more people involved in sports timing. Timing isn’t something most of us do every day. Therefore we are introducing yearly subscriptions with unlimited use! In this way, we give you the opportunity to keep RaceGorilla at the top of your mind by using it in training situations.
RaceGorilla still serves your full competitions setup. But imagine you’d like to have one of your training sessions timed, or just a small club event. Once you’ve got the yearly subscription, just grab the app and go!
There will be no small, medium or large competitions anymore. The number of participants are upgrade modules that you can choose for your competition. A lot easier for you.
Free up to 10 participants.
Full timing functionality.
Subscribe or update to competition to time more participants or to add special modules
Unlimited competitions €99 per year
Up to 40 participants
Full Timing functionality
Max. 1 admin e-mail address
Hidden public result link
Unlimited competitions €299 per year
Up to 40 participants
Full Timing functionality
Max. 5 admin e-mail addresses
Hidden public result link
Add modules to time more participants or to add special modules
Single Competition
Single competition €39,-
Up to 40 participants
Full Timing functionality
Results are public
Competition is in calendar (toggle on/off)
Upgrade Modules
These modules enable you to configure your competition according to your needs. Both single competitions as well as subscription competitions can be upgraded.
Upgrade to 100 participants €30
Upgrade to 100+ participants €50
Bluetooth connection for photocells €15,-
Judging (slalom) €25
Sprint €120
Smooth payment flow
One of our goals for next year is to automate the invoicing process. We found a financial service provider that specialises in world wide software-as-a-service (SAAS) companies. It should make our service easier to understand and more accessible. Together with introducing yearly subscription, we are ready to grow!
If you want to learn more about RaceGorilla Pricing You can find everything on our pricing page