Last saturday a group of 116 runners started for 100k of trail running in the south of the Netherlands. The Bear Sports Grizzly 100 is a new milestone for the CloudTimer sports timing app, as it’s the first official running event run on our platform!
In long trail running events like this, CloudTimer proved its value through:
- It’s easy to use for volunteers
- Live insights in race progress for the organisation
- Live result for supporters at home to follow the progress of their favourite athletes during the day.

Trail running the Bearsports Grizzly 100
The race setup
The race had 5 check points along the trail. At each checkpoint the athletes were timed by a volunteer using CloudTimer. To train the volunteers before the race, the organiser had provided the online tutorials and created a test race to time some “virtual pre-runners”. Each volunteer knew what to do before the race with about 20 minutes of self-study. This gave the organiser great confidence before the start of the race.
In the race office all results were monitored during the race and actions were taken when people did not reach a checkpoint in time.
Apart from being one of the first official running events to be timed with CloudTimer, the organiser was certain he could operate CloudTimer after just one demo session. This really shows one of our main goals: We want CloudTimer to be very easy to use, in order to stay affordable for many small events. Semi-professional or amateur events in small sports, should really benefit from using CloudTimer.
The results page was updated and redesigned especially for this event, showing all split times and a sort option.
Check the results in this link: