The CloudTimer platform has a wide variety of settings in order to configure a competition. We understand that this might be overwhelming at times. Therefore we are writing (work in progress) this article which serves as a comprehensive guide to all possible settings. Don’t hesitate to write us a message in case there are any questions about these settings or if you need help setting up your competition.
The settings are categorised as:
- General
- Timing
- Structure
- Categories & Start Groups
- Participants
- Organisation team
- Results & Rankings
- Name: a general name of your competition
- Sport: indication of the type of sport
- Type: (test, training, competition) (not available yet)
- Date (start & end): date on which the competition takes place
- Location (name, city, country, address, gps coordinates): one or multiple locations where the competitions is held, or to indicate start and finish (available on request)
- Timezone (not available yet)
- Access Code: the access code which other users can use to join the competition for timing or scoring
- Tag line (not available yet)
- Description: a short description about the competition
- Bluetooth settings
- Multi select
- Manual input
- TimeFormat
Structure (set per round)
- Start type: time trial, mass start, wave start
- Timepoints & scoring
- Number of runs
- Score format
Categories & Start Groups
- Categories: add, delete
- Races (Start Groups): add, delete, update, re-order
- Subscription fee
- Start wave size
- Subscription (closed/open for logged in users/public)
- Subscription open/close date
- Upload participants
Organisation team
- Add users (timekeeper or judge)
- Set permissions
- Allow users to join competition
- Default user role
Results & Rankings
- TimeFormat
- Result columns
- Result reports