Blokart is a fast and exciting beach sport. The start and finish lines have to be flexible depending on wind and sea conditions. RaceGorilla offers the easiest and most flexible way of timing a blokart race there is. No matter how fast the karts go and where the start and finish, the results will be online and available to the supporters and audience just seconds after the karts cross the finish line. From now on, the timing can be done entirely by a small group of trained volunteers.
Timing a Blokart race
Blokart races usually have a mass start on the beach and a finish on the beach as well. Live split time updates can be interesting for the spectators as sometimes large distances are covered along the beach and can be hard to follow the race.
When timing a Blokart race, it is possible to use just use manual timing. If the times have to be more accurate, it is possible to connect photocells to a Alge Timy or a Tag Heuer CP5xx and send the times to the smartphone at the finish using bluetooth, the exact time will be online in a matter of seconds.
Why use would you use timing chips? They cause a great logistic hassle and can be lost during the race. Use RaceGorilla instead!
Do you want to try it yourself? Just download the app and experience it for yourself! If you find it hard to get going, read our Quick Start Guide.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Do you want to check what the results can look like? Here is an example of the Dutch Coast Race in Surfski in The Netherlands
Featured image: Outstanding Events, Velsen Noord (Wijk aan Zee)