Timing MTB-races with real time results is crucial to have a great race experience, both for the riders and the audience. Often however, sports timing is very expensive. In most cases, at professional race level, chip timing or photo finish camera systems are used. RaceGorilla offers an easy way to organize small to mid size races without the need to hire a large professional timing team or buy specialized timing gear. Just gather a couple of volunteers with their iPhone or Android device to time the race.

Timing MTB races using an app
When timing MTB-races, especially in downhill and time trials, start and finish are at different locations, and there are multiple splits taken during the course. RaceGorilla offers one of the easiest ways to have your race and get real time live results, even with multiple splits and section judging. When using the RaceGorilla platform, you can set up the technical details of a race in just a few clicks. It is possible to create a race structure with multiple heats, semifinals and finals, as well as any class or start group you need. The results page can be set up with a personalised banner and commercial advertising of your sponsors. During the race the running times and splits will be visible on line and after the race the results can be printed from the race management dashboard.
Accuracy of the app
RaceGorilla has been tested extensively and we are certain that with a good network coverage the and a keen and experienced timer at start and finish, timing can be done well within a tenth of a second. This is often enough for small and mid size races. If you have the budget or the equipment to use photo beams (Photocell) and a system like Microgate, Tag Heuer or Alge, RaceGorilla offers to connect to these devices using a BlueBox. This system provides 100% accuracy and a backup system for your times.
Time trial formats for cycling
For Cycling, there are basically two formats available: Time trial and mass start. In a time trial each competitor can be started individually, in a mass start the racers are started per catogery. It is possible to start multiple catogeries or start groups at the same time (for example the juniors and the elite).
A simple race only contains a start and a finish. To give more insights of the race to the supporters, a number of split points can be added. In RaceGorilla there is a default face format available for cycling.
It has a start and a finish, and a category of men and women. In the RaceGorilla online dashboard, you can change to any other setting you need for your race.