A Classic car rally can be organised in many ways, there are often multiple tasks and stages involved in a rally. One or more stages might be timed events, where RaceGorilla can be used to add an extra dimension to the experience for the drivers and spectators. RaceGorilla offers real time and detailed results as easy and affordable as possible. As a race organiser, you just need a couple of volunteers with their mobile (smartphone) to have a great race.
Organising a Classic Car Rally
As rallies are often held on public roads, they are not held as races most of the time. It might however be interesting to have the times recorded at some points along the course, just to see the progress of the rally and the event. It is possible to use GPS trackers or other advanced timing gear, but a couple of volunteers with their mobile / smartphone are just as good. Timing a classic car rally is very easy when using RaceGorilla. You can track the cars at the different checkpoints just using a mobile phone with the app installed. It is visible to everyone in the race at the finish or at home how the race is progressing. As there are no devices installed in the car, the race or rally organisation has full control of the timing process. You can have as many checkpoints as you want, just ask another volunteer to sit at a checkpoint and wait for the cars to pass. The moment the car passes the checkpoint, the timer tabs the “split”-button. As soon as the time is validated as a correct time, it will appear in the results list.
Do you want to try it yourself? Just download the app and experience it for yourself! If you find it hard to get going, read our Quick Start Guide.
If you have any questions, please send us a message.
Do you want to check what the results can look like? Here is an example of the Blowater Gold Coast Triathlon in Hong Kong