Timing a competition is much better when you get some help. Either when start & finish are far apart or if you work with ‘timing buddies’ you’d better get some friends on board. In the dashboard you can invite team members to your competition in the ‘Team’ view. Either existing users or new users who […]
Advanced permissions
When you’ve read our article on roles & permissions already you might want to dive deeper and learn about advanced permissions as well. In the ‘Advanced Permissions’ section of the dashboard a competition admin can set permissions for timekeepers or judges per time point or judge location. These settings determine what a user can or […]
Roles & permissions for race management
When you -as a competition organiser- add a person to your timing team, or you -as a user- join a competition, then there are some default permissions applied automatically. As a competition admin you can customise these permissions and set roles. Hop over to the dashboard for more fine grained control. By default two roles […]
A comprehensive guide on competition settings
The CloudTimer platform has a wide variety of settings in order to configure a competition. We understand that this might be overwhelming at times. Therefore we are writing (work in progress) this article which serves as a comprehensive guide to all possible settings. Don’t hesitate to write us a message in case there are any […]
Setting categories in your competition
Via the dashboard it’s now possible to set your own categories. Previously it was only possible to make use of the default categories for a competition or ask us to set this in a custom way for you. Now you can freely add categories to your own liking in the ‘Categories’ view in the dashboard. […]
KeyPad timing for iOS
Since the last release of our iOS sport timing app the KeyPad timing view became available to our iPhone and iPad users. In parallel we also made the app to better adept to iPad screens. The KeyPad timing view is ideal for mass start races like triathlon, open water swimming, cycling or running.
Thrilled to be chilled
It’s not a race for the faint hearted, definitely not considering the temperatures during the first open water swimming race timed on the CloudTimer platform in Scotland. Vigour Events organised ‘Thrilled to be Chilled’; a race over 450m, 1k or for the acclimatised the ‘ice mile’ (a skins/standard swimwear only swim). Participants could enjoy a stunning […]
Dutch Triathlon Federation
The Dutch Triathlon Federation is enthusiastic about the possibilities offered on the CloudTimer platform. The app, with software platform, offers an excellent tool to collaborate between race organisation and volunteers on timing and present live results online. For the organisation of regional races, youth races or club triathlons it’s possible to -with little cost- offer […]
Categorised sports
CloudTimer has pre-set competition formats for the below sports. The formats help you to quickly create a competition with the most common settings. Cycling Skiing Rafting Triathlon Canoeing Running Swimming Other
Introducing the KeyPad view
During the last months we have been designing, coding and field testing our brand new KeyPad view. This timing view allows for much quicker time recordings when participants are finishing close together or in groups. Therefore it’s ideal for mass events. The first feedbacks from the field are positive and we are now working on […]