When you’ve read our article on roles & permissions already you might want to dive deeper and learn about advanced permissions as well. In the ‘Advanced Permissions’ section of the dashboard a competition admin can set permissions for timekeepers or judges per time point or judge location. These settings determine what a user can or […]
Roles & permissions for race management
When you -as a competition organiser- add a person to your timing team, or you -as a user- join a competition, then there are some default permissions applied automatically. As a competition admin you can customise these permissions and set roles. Hop over to the dashboard for more fine grained control. By default two roles […]
A comprehensive guide on competition settings
The CloudTimer platform has a wide variety of settings in order to configure a competition. We understand that this might be overwhelming at times. Therefore we are writing (work in progress) this article which serves as a comprehensive guide to all possible settings. Don’t hesitate to write us a message in case there are any […]
Introducing the KeyPad view
During the last months we have been designing, coding and field testing our brand new KeyPad view. This timing view allows for much quicker time recordings when participants are finishing close together or in groups. Therefore it’s ideal for mass events. The first feedbacks from the field are positive and we are now working on […]
Alge Timy Bluetooth integration at Holland Cup 2
The integration of the Alge Timy (over bluetooth) with the CloudTimer platform was introduced in May during Holland Cup 2 in Waalre (Netherlands). This major timing innovation connects the chronometer of one of the major timing equipment manufacturers (Alge Timing) to the CloudTimer platform. It’s again a huge step forward in making race timing another […]
CloudTimer for Android available in store now
We are super happy to finally say that CloudTimer for Android is now available in the Google Play store. We came a long way. We didn’t just want to push the app in Store when it wasn’t ready to do so. Now it’s not only suitable for all the canoe slalom users, but pretty much […]
February Product Update
It’s been quiet from our side for a while, but it’s the quietness you normally experience before the storm. We have been working super hard in the past months (and are still) to make the CloudTimer platform ready for lift of! That means publishing the iOS app in the App Store, the Android app in the […]
Timing accuracy vs system accuracy
At CloudTimer we are doing a lot of lab and field tests to test & prove the accuracy of our sports timing app. While doing so we felt the need to clarify what this means: accuracy. Because a system can be extremely accurate, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the timing of an athlete will […]
Timing accuracy of RaceGorilla
RaceGorilla is developed to make sports timing as easy as possible without the need to invest in expensive hardware. To do so, we chose an everyday device aka smartphones to fulfil the timing and scoring need. But since a smartphone is not a professional real time timing device the question was raised if the timing […]